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The Brutalist: Love it? Hate it?
Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 12-1 p.m. CT
It is rare that a non-documentary film about architecture or an architect is nominated for multiple Academy Awards. Did you see it? What did you think? Join several past members of the SAH Film Awards Committee to share your thoughts. The following will serve as Hosts/Discussants:
Donald Albrecht is a founding curator of the American Museum of the Moving Image. He also is the author of the seminal book Designing Dreams: Modern Architecture in the Movies.
Christine Madrid French, Executive Director of Napa County Landmarks, is an architectural historian specializing in the intersection of film, history, and the built environment. She is the award-winning author of "The Architecture of Suspense: The Built World in the Films of Alfred Hitchcock" (University of Virginia Press, 2022) and other essays exploring how architecture shapes storytelling in cinema, from classic Hollywood to modern movies.
Vahid Vahdat is an assistant professor at Washington State University’s School of Design and Construction. His primary field of research is spatial mediation, with an emphasis on film and animation. His edited volumes on the intersection of architecture and the moving image includes “Architecture, Film, and the In-Between: Spatio-Cinematic Betwixt” (Intellect, 2023) and “Animate(d) Architecture: A Spatial Investigation of the Moving Image” (Liverpool University Press, 2024).
Each host will briefly share their thoughts, followed by a free-ranging discussion by all attending.