Join the Society of Architectural Historians in Mexico City, April 15–19, 2026, for an immersive, in-person experience, with paper sessions, events at off-site venues, and guided architecture tours in and around the city. Attendees can look forward to connecting with colleagues at social receptions, meeting publishers in the exhibit area, and conversing between sessions, all valued moments at the face-to-face conference.


Call for Papers - Deadline June 5

The Society of Architectural Historians is now accepting abstracts for its 79th Annual International Conference in Mexico City, Mexico, April 15–19, 2026. Submit an abstract to one of the 54 thematic sessions, the Graduate Student Lightning Talks or the Open Sessions for the Mexico City conference. SAH encourages submissions from architectural, landscape, and urban historians; museum curators; preservationists; independent scholars; architects; scholars in related fields; and members of SAH chapters, Affiliate Groups and partner organizations.

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Key Conference Dates

January 9, 2025, 11:59 pm CDT  Deadline to submit a session proposal
March 3, 2025  Session selection notification begins
March 17, 2025, 5:00 pm CDT  Revised session proposals due
March 25, 2025, 3:00 pm CDT  Call for Papers opens
June 5, 2025, 11:59 pm CDT  Call for Papers closes
June 9, 2025  Session Chairs start reviewing paper submissions
July 9, 2025  Session Chairs make final selection of papers and notify speakers
August 14, 2025  Mexico City Session Chair and Speaker registration opens
August 14, 2025  Annual Conference Fellowship applications open
September 30, 2025  Mexico City Session Chair and Speaker registration closes
January 13, 2026  Early Registration opens
April 15-19, 2026  SAH 79th Annual International Conference
Mexico City, Mexico
Hilton Mexico City Reforma

Call for Sessions (Closed) 

The SAH 2026 Call for Sessions is now closed, but remains posted here for reference.

The Society invites everyone interested in the history of the built environment to submit a proposal to chair a session at the conference. Since the principal purpose of the SAH Annual International Conference is to inform conference attendees of the general state of research in architectural history and related disciplines, session proposals covering every period in the history of architecture and all aspects of the built environment, including landscape and urban history, historic preservation and cultural heritage are welcome. The scope is global.

SAH is pleased to publish the Call for Sessions and the upcoming Call for Papers in both English and Spanish. Session proposals and papers should be submitted and presented in English.

Call for Sessions - English

Call for Sessions - Spanish

Extended Call for Sessions for Southern California
SAH offers a selective submission extension to those impacted by wildfires in Southern California. We welcome late submissions for a limited time from those whose physical, mental, and technological ability to submit have been impacted by these events. Please submit session proposals no later than 12 p.m., Friday, January 17, 2025.


Conference Location

Hilton Mexico City Reforma
Avenida Juárez 70, Col. Centro
Mexico, Ciudad de Mexico, C.P. 06010


Christopher Kirbabas
Director of Programs

Conference Chair

Swati Chattopadhyay
SAH Vice President
University of California, Santa Barbara

Local Co-Chairs

Catherine R. Ettinger
Michoacan University of San Nicolas de Hidalgo 

Cristóbal Andrés Jácome Moreno
National Autonomous University of Mexico