Workshops: The participants and intended audience for these workshops are emerging ABD scholars and scholars 1–3 years after graduation from a PhD program. We encourage submissions of in-process ideas, experimental approaches, and not-yet-developed
frameworks that can benefit from critical engagement among peers. Each workshop will last approximately 75 minutes and begin with 2 or 3 presentations by doctoral candidates and emerging scholars about their chosen research methods. Approximately
ten minutes each, these presentations should include a brief overview of their research topic, followed by an elaborate discussion of their methods. We will host an open discussion for approximately 45 minutes following the presentations.
Speakers are expected to share their material with other speakers and workshop participants beforehand to help facilitate discussion. The presentations will take place in English on Zoom. Although not required to apply, selected presenters of the workshops
are required to be current SAH members by the time of the workshops.
Roundtable: Following the workshops, the committee will convene a concluding roundtable where invited scholars known for their research in the field will share their perspectives on methodology. This third event in the series will highlight how
methods are implemented as a body of scholarly work advances throughout one’s career.