The Society of Architectural Historians will award approximately $40,000 in Annual Conference Fellowships to speakers and session chairs who are graduate students, emerging scholars, international speakers, independent scholars, or work in historic preservation. Each fellowship award is up to $1,000 to be used to offset costs of lodging and travel to participate in the conference. Fellowships may be a reimbursable stipend or expenses directly paid by SAH.


Application Process

Applications are open to speakers and session chairs participating in the  SAH 2025 Annual International Conference. Speakers and session chairs will submit one application online. Your single application will be considered for all fellowships for which you are eligible.

You must be registered for the SAH 2025 Annual International Conference for your application to be considered. Fellowship recipients will be notified by December 1, 2024.

To apply you will need:

  1. Statement of Purpose that explains how this fellowship will advance your academic interests and make a difference in your professional work. One page, 500 words max.
  2. Current CV (3 pages max) in Word or PDF format
  3. Estimated expenses for conference-related travel, lodging, and meals.
  4. SSID numbers of 5 images uploaded to SAHARA

Applications open August 1, 2024.

Fellowship applicants must submit a minimum of 5 annotated images to SAHARA to be considered for a fellowship. You may submit any images of the built environment for which you own the copyright. Images do not need to relate to your current research or the annual conference location. Please note the SSID#’s of your images for your application.

If you need access to SAHARA, please contact SAH Director of Membership, Anne Bird Granting SAHARA access is not immediate and may take up to 48 hours. Thank you for your patience.
Once you receive email notification of your SAHARA access, please submit your 5 images, create or return to your draft fellowship application in the portal, enter the SSID numbers of your 5 images, and submit your fellowship application.

August 1, 2024 – Applications open
September 30, 2024 – Applications close
December 1, 2024 – Notification of award status to applicants
June 30, 2025 – Reimbursements distributed

Fellowship Opportunities

Rosann S. Berry Fellowship
Established in 1982 to honor the former executive secretary of SAH whose leadership from 1955 to 1980 helped bring SAH to maturity. One fellowship of up to $1,000 annually supports the travel of an advanced graduate student member of SAH whose paper has been accepted for delivery at the SAH Annual International Conference.

Spiro Kostof Fellowship
Created in 1998 by students and colleagues in memory of the influential urban and architectural historian Spiro Kostof. One fellowship of up to $1,000 annually supports the travel of an advanced graduate student member of SAH whose paper has been accepted for delivery at the SAH Annual International Conference.

SAH Annual Conference Graduate Student Fellowships
Created in 2000 by the SAH Executive Committee. Fellowships of up to $1,000 each support the attendance of advanced international graduate students whose papers have been accepted for delivery at the SAH Annual International Conference.

Scott Opler Graduate Student Fellowships
Created in 2002 by a gift from the Scott Opler Foundation, the award honors the memory of the late historian of Renaissance art and architecture. Fellowships of up to $1,000 each support the travel of advanced graduate students whose papers have been accepted for delivery at the SAH Annual International Conference. Although not restricted by subject area, applicants must be advanced graduate students in the field of architectural history or a related discipline.  

Graduate Student Lightning Talks Volunteer Opportunity
SAH offers presenters of the Graduate Student Lightning Talks the opportunity to volunteer a minimum of six work hours during the conference. In return they will receive a refund of their student conference registration fee. Registration and payment are required, and if the criteria have been met, the graduate student will receive a reimbursement for the student registration fee after the conference has concluded. SAH membership fees are not included in the reimbursement. 

SAH Chapter Fellowships for Graduate Students
These fellowships are administered by SAH chapters and support travel to the SAH Annual International Conference. Please contact the chapter for more information.

Merry Ovnick Annual Conference Fellowship
Southern California Chapter SAH

George B. Tatum Annual International Conference Fellowship
Philadelphia Chapter SAH

SAH Annual International Conference Fellowship
Southeast Chapter SAH

Robert B. Rettig Student Annual Meeting Fellowship
New England Chapter SAH

Latrobe Chapter Annual Conference Fellowship
Latrobe Chapter SAH

Scott Opler Emerging Scholar Fellowships
Created in 2002 by a gift from the Scott Opler Foundation, the award honors the memory of the late historian of Renaissance art and architecture. Fellowships of up to $1,000 each support emerging scholars whose papers have been accepted for delivery at the SAH Annual International Conference. Although not restricted by subject area, applicants must be an emerging scholar, a person who, regardless of age, is within five years of having received a terminal degree (PhD) in architectural history or a related discipline. The valid dates (emerging scholar) for the 2024 award are 2018 through July 2023.

SAH Chapter Fellowships for Emerging Scholars
These fellowships are administered by SAH chapters and support travel to the SAH Annual International Conference. Please contact the chapter for more information.

SAH Annual International Conference Fellowship
Southeast Chapter SAH

Robert B. Rettig Student Annual Meeting Fellowship
New England Chapter SAH

Latrobe Chapter Annual Conference Fellowship
Latrobe Chapter SAH

SAH Annual Conference Independent Scholar Fellowships
Fellowships of up to $1,000 each supports the travel of an independent scholar whose paper has been accepted for delivery at the SAH Annual International Conference. An independent scholar is anyone who conducts scholarly research outside universities and traditional academia.

George R. Collins Fellowship
Created in 1993 by the family of George R. Collins to honor the distinguished career of the late architectural historian. One annual fellowship of up to $1,000 supports the travel of an international scholar (non-US Passport) whose paper on a nineteenth- or twentieth-century topic has been accepted for delivery at the SAH Annual International Conference. Prior recipients of the Collins Fellowship are not eligible.

SAH Annual Conference Senior Scholar Fellowships
The annual fellowships of up to $1,000 each support the travel of senior-level, international scholars whose papers have been accepted for delivery at the SAH Annual International Conference. A senior scholar is defined as having received their PhD more than five years ago.

Keepers Preservation Education Fund Fellowship
Established in 1989 by William J. Murtagh, the first Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places. Fellowships of up to $1,000 annually support the attendance of scholars, practicing professionals and others in the Historic Preservation field at the SAH Annual International Conference. Applicants must be US residents. Preference will be given to those whose paper has been accepted for delivery at the conference.

More information and application.

The Society of Architectural Historians initiated the SAH Indigenous Architecture Affiliate Group in 2023. A primary aim of the group is to build a community of scholars whose work focuses on Indigenous architecture anywhere in the world. To encourage and support scholarship in this field, SAH is offering two Indigenous Architecture Fellowships to assist in attendance at the Society of Architectural Historians Annual International Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, April 30–May 4, 2025. 

The Awards
Each fellowship award is up to $1,000 to be used to offset expenses of attending the conference such as lodging, registration and travel. Fellowships may be a reimbursable stipend, or expenses directly paid by SAH. The award includes a commitment of mentorship during the conference from one or more members of the SAH Indigenous Architecture Affiliate Group. SAH offers one year of digital membership to fellows. Two awards will be offered for 2025.

Criteria for Application
Scholars and graduate students researching and writing on Indigenous architecture, landscape architecture, or planning anywhere in the world — as well as practitioners and community advocates working with Indigenous communities — are eligible to apply. We are especially interested in supporting scholars who identify as a member or Elder of an Indigenous community. All topics of research related to Indigenous architecture will be considered by the fellowship committee. SAH membership is not required to apply for this Fellowship.

Expectations and Reporting Requirements
Fellows are expected to be present for the duration of the conference and attend all events included in the basic registration fee. Fellows will be required to submit a 300-word reflection (that may include images) following the conference to the SAH office and the SAH Indigenous Architecture Affiliate Group mentor(s). This information will be presented to the Indigenous Architecture Affiliate Group and form a contribution to the SAH Blog.

Application Details
To apply you will need:
  1. Statement of Interest. Tell us who you are, why you would like to participate in the SAH conference, how you expect to benefit from the conference, and how attending the SAH conference might impact your career in the long run. One page, 300 words.
  2. Current CV (2 pages max) in Word or PDF format. Please include your contact information on this document.

Submit your materials via Dropbox using the link below. Please name your two files as follows: "YourLastName_Statement" and "YourLastName_CV".

Application deadline: November 30, 2024.

Submit application materials