Building Italy: The Italian Pavilion at L’Exposition Universelle d’Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne, Paris 1937


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Contact: Lisa Schrenk



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The Institute for the Study of International Expositions (ISIE) presents its first Speaker Series lecture of 2025 “Building Italy: The Italian Pavilion at L’Exposition Universelle d’Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne, Paris 1937,” presented by Sasha Goldman online via Zoom, January 29, 2pm EST. For more information:

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Lecture Description: The Italian Pavilion at the Exposition Universelle d’Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne (Paris, 1937) serves as a revealing case study of Italian Fascism’s aesthetic and ideological contradictions. Intended to showcase Fascist Italy’s cultural and technological prowess, the pavilion instead highlighted internal fragmentation and international marginalization. This paper examines how the pavilion’s design, blending Rationalist modernism with traditionalist Italianità, reflected Mussolini’s policy of aesthetic diversity while undermining the regime’s effort to define a cohesive Fascist style. Its muted reception, overshadowed by the ideological spectacle of Soviet and German contributions, reflects Italy’s diminishing influence and peripheral role in the international order. Ultimately, the pavilion encapsulates the broader dissonance within Italian Fascist cultural production, offering insight into its role in shaping Italy’s fraught position in pre-World War II Europe.