Now in its 26th year, with alumni from over 170 colleges and universities worldwide, SGPS is dedicated to the preservation of cultural heritage. We offer students the opportunity to study and travel in Italy where they acquire hands-on experience in restoration and conservation.
Session One (June 2 - 27)
Building Restoration – Touching the Stones Restoration of Traditional Masonry Buildings and Sketching and Analyzing Historic Buildings (Program includes lectures and restoration field projects*)
A ten-day trip visiting Florence, Siena and Rome: places of cultural interest, with emphasis on the urban and historical development of each town, including specialized visits to places of interest to restorers.
To Apply
SGPS Programs are open to any of the following applicants: college and university students interested in the field of preservation, continuing education students, people with working experience in the fields of restoration, preservation and other related fields. Applicants do not need to be enrolled in a university program.