Call for Papers: TAD Journal Vol 9 Issue 2, Innovation



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Deadline: January 15, 2025


The upcoming issue of TECHNOLOGY | ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN (TAD) welcomes submissions addressing new and original research on architecture, design, and technology. The journal now welcomes research or scholarship for the topic of this call for papers or open topics on a rolling submission basis. We will consider all submissions for this or an upcoming issue. 

The focus area for this issue seeks to explore inventive topics from different aspects of the built environment. Innovation captures new ideas, methods, strategies, products, forms, designs, etc. Innovation is the action or process of innovating, introducing, or presenting novelties and modifying what is established by introducing new elements or forms. It is a change introduced to an existing product. Imaginative ideas include improvements that capture how components or processes are modified or configured in designs, systems, or domains, like building materials, data processing, digital fabrication, computation, history and theory of innovation. Innovation is critical to the success of any endeavor, such as an organization, enterprise, field or discipline, or industry. Invention is the primary driver of advancement in the built environment and other sectors, as it provides approaches, resources, and concepts generated and realized, leading to a better and more sustainable built environment. Invention guides all disciplines, and inventive ideas involve various players with diverse incentives.

The current issue seeks submissions that provide thoughtful and rigorous approaches to answer innovation-related questions and experiments. The issue seeks submissions that cover a broad range of topics in architecture. The journal seeks submissions that capture work on inventive renewable technologies and materials, innovations in sustainability, adaptive reuse, history and theories of innovation in the field, sustainable building strategies, systems, smart metering, sensing, monitoring, digital innovations, patents, advanced methods of data sharing, documentation, and interpretation of big data, application of digital twin and new technologies in the built environment to name a few. 

Authors may address the following questions, but they can be broader than these areas. How do we approach and manage imaginative ideas? What is the notion of challenging or rethinking the concept of innovation in our discipline? When is it desirable? When can our actions or attitudes of privileging novelty over long-standing practices impact inventive ideas? What technological innovations save energy consumption in the built environment? How have innovations improved building performance, thermal comfort, satisfaction, and energy efficiency? What are the innovative strategies adopted to enhance various aspects of building performance? What are the historical trends of innovation witnessed in the built environment over the last decades? How has it influenced investigations on sustainable built environment, energy efficiency, low-carbon building envelopes, affordable housing, modeling and optimization, post-occupancy evaluation, field measurements, and environmental monitoring of indoor and outdoor thermal environments? How have regulations and policies shaped innovation? What strategies could industry, practice, and academia employ to foster and nurture innovation in the built environment? Are there any lessons we can learn from work on inventive studies? How do we see the future of innovation and its associated risks?

The editors strongly encourage submissions by individual or multiple authors with related work, including those demonstrating contributions from underrepresented groups in the field.

TAD invites original and innovative research from scholars, practitioners, researchers, and students. Contributions to the issue focus area are encouraged, but TAD will consider all papers that meet the TAD mission statement. The journal accepts submissions on a rolling basis, but for consideration in this issue, manuscripts are due before 11:59 pm Eastern Time on January 15, 2025. All manuscripts are double-blind peer-reviewed. Manuscripts must follow the standards detailed in the TAD Author Guide, available at