Nov 18, 2024
SAHARA Co-Editors Jacqueline Spafford and Jeannine Keefer, and Associate Editor Meral Ekincioglu
Ruin - The state or condition of collapse or downfall. The SAHARA collections have a number of images of ruins. Some are archaeological sites, others are abandoned structures from the recent past. These selections encompass ruined sites ancient and modern, from the Asian Pacific to the Americas.
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1. Hanford High School Rear, Hanford, WA, 1916. Photograph by Tim Askin, 2012.

2. St. Andrews Cathedral, Saint Andews, Scotland, 1158-1318. Photograph by Sarah Moses, 2021.

3. Julia Memmia; Bath Entrance, Jendouba, Tunisia, ca 222-235. Photograph by Mary Ellen Sigmond, 1990.

4. Ruins of Anjar, Anjar, Beqaa Valley, 710. Photograph by Yasmina El Chami.

5. North Theatre, Gerasa, Jordan, 164-165. Photograph by Aymar Mariño-Maza, 2019.

6. Federal Treasury Building, Columns in Pioneers Park, Washington, DC, 1916. Photograph by Mark Hinchman, 2020.

7. Visingsborgs Castle ruins (Slottsruinis), Visingsö, Sweden. Photograph by Mary Ellen Sigmond, 1992.

8. Temple of the Imperial Cult, Mérida, Spain, ca 25 BCE – 15 CE. Photograph by Dell Upton, 2023.

9. Arankele Monastery, Kurunegala, Sri Lanka, 6th century CE. Photograph by Sandy Isenstadt, 2018.

10. Pyramid of the Magician; Pyramid of the Soothsayer, Uxmal, Mexico, 700-1000 Photograph by Amber N. Wiley, 2014.

11. Chumuc Mul; Las Pinturas, Cobá, Mexico, 7th-10th century. Photograph by Amber N. Wiley, 2014.

12. Thermopolium of Asselinae, Pompeii, Italy, before 79 CE. Photograph by William Kessler, 1965.