SAH Annual International Conference Fellowships
Rosann S. Berry Fellowship
Nicholas Afadzi, University of Cincinnati, USA
George R. Collins Fellowship
Inbal Ben-Asher Gitler, Sapir Academic College, Israel
Spiro Kostof Fellowship
Yan Wan, HKU, Hong Kong
SAH Annual Conference Graduate Student Fellowships
Mary Fesak, University of Delaware, USA
Carrie Gammell, University of California Los Angeles, USA
Aslihan Günhan, Cornell University, USA
Adi Hamer-Yacobi, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Olivia Houck, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Angelika Joseph, Princeton University, USA
Başak Kalfa Atakli, Çankaya University, Türkiye
Inês L. Nunes, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Taisuke Wakabayashi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Sam Yeganeh, University of Cincinnati, USA
SAH Annual Conference Independent Scholar Fellowship
Barbara S. Christen
Sabrina Puddu
SAH Annual Conference Senior Scholar Fellowships
Cristina G. Garduno Freeman, UNSW, Australia
Sidh D. Losa Mendiratta, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Maryam Mahvash, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Canada
Carlos Plaza, University of Seville, Spain
Scott Opler Emerging Scholar Fellowships
Silvia Balzan, USI Universita della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland
Paul Bouet, ENSA Paris-Est, France
Marianna Charitonidou, Athens School of Fine Arts, Greece
Esther Choi, Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, USA
Simon De Nys-Ketels, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Elizabeth Deans, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Regina Emmer, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque (Alumna), USA
Danya Epstein, Arizona State University, USA
Bengi Su Ertürkmen Aksoy, Gazi University, Turkey
Naina Gupta, Independent Scholar, United Kingdom
Semra Horuz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Michael King, City College of New York, USA
Vicki Leibowitz, UNSW, Australia
Laura Leppink, University of Minnesota, USA
Marco Moro, University of Cagliari, Italy
Manuel Sánchez García, Dumbarton Oaks, USA
Fatma Tanış, TU Delft, Netherlands
Scott Opler Graduate Student Fellowships
Tairan An, Princeton University, USA
Tatiana Carbonell Guillon, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Cheng Chen, University of Virginia, USA
Amelia Eichengreen, University of Michigan, USA
Chase Galis, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Robin Hartanto Honggare, Columbia University, USA
Hanan Kataw, Harvard University, USA
Huges Lefebvre Morasse, Université de Montréal, Canada
Natalie Lis, The University of Queensland, Australia
Hamish Lonergan, ETH Zurich, Switzerland,
Magdalena Miłosz, Parks Canada, Canada
Emine Esra Nalbant, Binghamton University State University of New York, USA
Max Peers, Brown University, USA
F. Ikbal Polat, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Pamudu Tennakoon, Brown University, USA
India Whiteley, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Chenchen Yan, Princeton University, USA
Indigenous Architecture Fellowship
Anjelica Gallegos, Independent Scholar
Michaela Shirley, University of New Mexico
Research Fellowships
Charles E. Peterson Fellowship of SAH Archipedia and the Athenaeum of Philadelphia
Hannah Truman, Clemson University
Edilia and François-Auguste de Montêquin Fellowship
Marian Berthoud, Temple University (JR)
Lisandra Franco de Mendonça, University of Minho (SR)
HABS-SAH Sally Kress Tompkins Fellowship
Mania Taher, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
SAH IDEAS Research Fellowships
Maria Alejandra Linares Trelles, The New School, School of Constructed Environments
Saman Quraishi, CEPT University
Hongyan Yan, Boston College
H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellowship
Michele Tenzon, École d’Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires, Paris-Est
Stathis G. Yeros, University of Florida
Membership Grants for Emerging Professionals
Bengi Su Ertürkmen Aksoy, Gazi University
Antonio Cantero, Princeton Univeristy
Marianela Porraz Castillo, Ecole Natrionals Superieur d'Architecture de Versialles
Paola Colleoni, Hong Kong Baptist University
Amalie Elfallah, Independent Scholar
Giuliana Vaccarino Gearty, Office of Jonathan Tate, New Orleans, LA
Natasha Harkison, Cal Poly, Pomona
Semra Horuz, The Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome
Ruo Jia, Pratt Institute/IfWorks
Pinar Kutluay, Kutahya Dumlupinar University
Macarena De la Vega de León, University of Melbourne
Christopher Loofs, Univeristy of Oklahoma
Anthony J. Meyer, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library
Paula Lacomba Montes, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft.
Priyanka Panjwani, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, CT
Roshini Pushparaj, MA Arch, CEPT University
Nader Sayadi, University of Rochester
Firuzan Melike Sumertas, University of California, Berkeley
Dilrabo Tosheva, University of Queensland
Haleh Yasini, University of Art, Tehran, Iran