Rosann S. Berry Fellowship
Established in 1982 to honor the former executive secretary of SAH whose leadership from 1955 to 1980 helped bring SAH to maturity. One fellowship of up to $1,000 annually supports the travel of an advanced graduate student member of SAH whose paper has been accepted for delivery at the SAH Annual International Conference.
Spiro Kostof Fellowship
Created in 1998 by students and colleagues in memory of the influential urban and architectural historian Spiro Kostof. One fellowship of up to $1,000 annually supports the travel of an advanced graduate student member of SAH whose paper has been accepted for delivery at the SAH Annual International Conference.
SAH Annual Conference Graduate Student Fellowships
Created in 2000 by the SAH Executive Committee. Fellowships of up to $1,000 each support the attendance of advanced international graduate students whose papers have been accepted for delivery at the SAH Annual International Conference.
Scott Opler Graduate Student Fellowships
Created in 2002 by a gift from the Scott Opler Foundation, the award honors the memory of the late historian of Renaissance art and architecture. Fellowships of up to $1,000 each support the travel of advanced graduate students whose papers have been accepted for delivery at the SAH Annual International Conference. Although not restricted by subject area, applicants must be advanced graduate students in the field of architectural history or a related discipline.
Graduate Student Lightning Talks Volunteer Opportunity
SAH offers presenters of the Graduate Student Lightning Talks the opportunity to volunteer a minimum of six work hours during the conference. In return they will receive a refund of their student conference registration fee. Registration and payment are required, and if the criteria have been met, the graduate student will receive a reimbursement for the student registration fee after the conference has concluded. SAH membership fees are not included in the reimbursement.
SAH Chapter Fellowships for Graduate Students
These fellowships are administered by SAH chapters and support travel to the SAH Annual International Conference. Please contact the chapter for more information.
Merry Ovnick Annual Conference Fellowship
Southern California Chapter SAH
George B. Tatum Annual International Conference Fellowship
Philadelphia Chapter SAH
Robert B. Rettig Student Annual Meeting Fellowship
New England Chapter SAH
Latrobe Chapter Annual Conference Fellowship
Latrobe Chapter SAH