Chronicle Festival 2024: The Road Ahead to 2035



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Chronicle Festival is the Chronicle of Higher Education's virtual ideas summit examining the trends and decisions shaping higher education across all disciplines.  Register for free. 

Agenda at a glance: 

Day 1: The Students of 2035
Join us on the first day to explore how students will be different a decade from now and learn ways higher education can reignite their passion for learning over the next few years. We'll delve into changing enrollment trends, new student-centered environments, and rising mental health needs on campus.

Day 2: Higher Ed of 2035
On day two, our speakers will discuss what the higher education system should look like in 2035 and how institutions can adapt to a changing landscape. Topics will include alternative pathways to a career, the value of a college degree, and the impact of the AI revolution on higher ed.
Day 3: The Work Force of 2035
The final day of the Chronicle Festival will focus on the future work force and how colleges can prepare students for an evolving job market. Discussions will cover lifelong learning opportunities, "phygital" campuses, and potential partnerships that can support students' career paths.