Displaced Lives: Architects Seeking Refuge on the Brink of WWII

A hybrid conference that seeks to give back a voice to the architects who tried to escape Nazi-occupied Europe in the late 1930s. 6/21-22


London, Portland Place, and online , United Kingdom

Email: photo@riba.org

Website: https://www.architecture.com/whats-on/displaced-lives-architects-seeking-refuge-on-the-brink-of-the-second-world-war-hybrid-conference

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In January 1939, the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) set up a special committee to deal with the increasing number of requests for assistance from architects situated in Nazi-occupied central Europe. Between 1938 and 1941, more than 200 individuals became known to RIBA and its Refugee Committee, either directly or via other refugee organisations.

As part of Refugee Week (17 to 23 June 2024), RIBA is hosting a hybrid conference during Refugee Week to highlight these individuals and their extraordinary work. The conference seeks to give back a voice to those often-forgotten architects and to celebrate their lives and their work.

The conference aims to provide a better understanding of the phenomenon of migration in the late 1930s of one particular profession from continental Europe to the United Kingdom and beyond.

Friday speakers

Dr Anthony Grenville - The arrival of the refugees from Nazisim in Britain after 1933 and their initial reception

Valeria Carullo - The RIBA Refugee Committee

Ágnes Anna Sebestyén - Creative Escape Routes: The Work of Gusztáv Feuer and Auguszta Kurz in Prague and Budapest in the interwar period

Dr Stefano Poli - Eugenio Giacomo Faludi (Budapest 1896 to Toronto 1981): architect and planner between Italy, London, and Canada

Dr Irena Murray - "Buoyant Against Adversity": Czech and Slovak architects look to Britain
Professor Vladimir Šlapeta - Jacques Groag, architect in Olomouc, Vienna, Prague, and London

Dr Lenka Kerdová - Erwin (Ervin) Katona and interwar “German” architecture in Prague

Dr Zuzana Güllendi-Cimprichova - Czech Jewish architect Karl Kohn and his work between Czechoslovakia and Ecuador

Professor Henrieta MoravĨíková - Lost on the way to the promised land

Dr Peter Papp - Ideas in transit

Saturday speakers

Daniele Abreu e Lima - Jewish refugees architects in New Zealand

Rebecca Hawcroft - Challenges and Opportunities: The Émigré Architect experience in Australia

Catherine Townsend - Diaspora destination: Modern Jewish Melbourne 1937 to 1979

Caroline Wohlgemuth - Visionary Architecture and Design from Vienna: Vienna’s forgotten architects

Professor Gary Boyd - Donkeys, Pit-ponies and Socialism: The Architectures of Egon Riss

Ivanna Bakhaieva - Presentation by RIBA John and David Hubert Bursary grant recipient

Professor Volker M. Welter - Four German-speaking Émigré architects in California

Janet Parks - Felix Augenfeld: Vienna, London, New York

Dr Agnes Grunwald-Spier MBE - The persecuted Jewish architects who fled the Nazis and created the architecture of Israel

Zuzanna Krzyzanowska - The legacy of the Polish School of Architecture in Liverpool during WWII

Online and in-person tickets are available on RIBA's website, architecture.com: https://www.architecture.com/whats-on/displaced-lives-architects-seeking-refuge-on-the-brink-of-the-second-world-war-hybrid-conference