NCPH 2025 Annual Meeting: Call for Proposals


Montréal , Canada 4313 Toulouse St.



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The National Council on Public History 2025 Call for Proposals is now open! We would appreciate if you help by sharing the CFP with your network.

The call for proposals for NCPH’s 2025 annual meeting next March 26-29 in Montréal is now open through July 15, 2024. The theme, Solidarity/Solidarité, asks public historians to consider our shared responsibilities and mutual obligations to realize solidarity within our organizations, with the communities we serve, and with the wider world we live in. Find the full CFP attached as a PDF and links to submit your proposal at (Anyone looking for feedback or collaboration on a proposal can submit an early topic proposal by June 15 using the Topic Proposal Form at the link above.)

Summary: The call for proposals for NCPH’s 2025 annual meeting next March 26-29 in Montréal is now open through July 15, 2024. The theme, Solidarity/Solidarité, asks public historians to consider our shared responsibilities and mutual obligations to realize solidarity within our organizations, with the communities we serve, and with the wider world we live in. Find the full CFP attached as a PDF and links to submit your proposal at (Anyone looking for feedback or collaboration on a proposal can submit an early topic proposal by June 15 using the Topic Proposal Form at the link above.)