Real Estate Development and the Built Environment

Please submit proposals of no more than 500 words and a one-page C.V. to Carol Lockman at by June 15, 2024. Conference presenters will be asked to submit complete versions of their conference papers by October 4, 2024. The conference is planned as an in-person event and will occur on November 1 at the Hagley Library in Wilmington DE. Presenters will receive lodging in the conference hotel and compensation for their travel costs. The conference organizers are planning an edited volume based on a selection of revised conference papers. The program committee is comprised of Matthew G. Lasner, Anna Andrzejewski, Greg Hargreaves, and Roger Horowitz.



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“Real Estate Development and the Built Environment” will bring together in conversation scholars from the humanities and social sciences to explore the relationships between private, for-profit real estate and architecture, urbanism, and landscape design. We are interested in empirically based, conceptually rich papers that consider real estate and the developer/development firm as a generator of built environments, especially those that are ordinary or everyday rather than singular or exceptional.

Specific topics that papers might explore include:

1- Transnational Development: How have developers and development firms imported, shared, or imposed real estate frameworks across national borders?

2- Public Policy: How have developers worked with and against public policies with transformative outcomes on the built environment?

3- Logics of Development: How have the various actors involved in real estate development — such as developers, development firms, design professionals, politicians, and policy makers — worked in tandem to shape the built environment?

4- Innovation: What innovations in the built environment are attributable to developers and/or to negotiation between developers and other actors?

5- Emergence of Real Estate: When, why, and how did private development and the speculative market for built space first emerge in particular national contexts?