A Conversation with 2024 Sekler Plenary Speaker Theodore (Ted) Jojola


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Thursday, May 9, 2024

11:00am-12:30pm CDT

Please join us for a conversation with Theodore (Ted) Jojola, PhD as he discusses his recent SAH 2024 Sekler Plenary Talk "PlaceKnowing in Space and Time". 

To watch the recording of the talk from the SAH Albuquerque annual conference please click here

Theodore (Ted) Jojola, PhD, is a Distinguished Professor and Regents’ Professor in the Community & Regional Planning Program, School of Architecture + Planning, University of New Mexico (UNM).

Currently he is the founder and Director of the Indigenous Design + Planning Institute.  iD+Pi works with tribal communities throughout the SW region as well as internationally by facilitating culturally informed approaches to community development.

This conversation is organized by the SAH Graduate Student Advisory Committee with moderation by Mania Taher, The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

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