SAH Archipedia: New Content from Peterson Fellows

by SAH News | Sep 07, 2022
1846 map of Santa Fe

We are happy to announce the publication of new SAH Archipedia content written by the 2020 and 2021 Charles E. Peterson Fellowship recipients. 

Allen C. Miller Jr. of SUNY Empire State College has conducted extensive primary research into the Greek and Roman architectural influences evident in Albany’s early- and mid-nineteenth-century residential design. The designs of 81–83 Columbia Street29 Elk Street, and 9 Elk Street were inspired by elements found in the architectural books available in Albany at the time. Other town houses, like 17 and 21 Elk Street, demonstrate the influence of Alexander Jackson Davis’s Gothic Revival work.  

The essay, Santa Fe and the Spanish City System, written by Jose Miguel Jimenez Chavez of Georgia Institute of Technology, explores the urban development of Santa Fe and its environs during the Spanish Colonial period. Yet the city differs from others of the Hispanic Monarchy in that local Indigenous practices, rituals, and customs played a major role in Santa Fe’s development. Complementing the essay are new entries on the Barrio de San Miguel Analco, the Pecos Mission, and the Arroyo Hondo Pueblo.  

Funded by the Athenaeum of Philadelphia, the Peterson Fellowship offers a unique publication opportunity for graduate students studying some aspect of US architecture and/or urbanism prior to 1860. Applications for the 2023 award will open October 4, 2022. The application deadline is December 31, 2022.  

Photo credit: 1846 map of Santa Fe, showing the city's center cores, surrounding barrios with churches, and the estancias. Courtesy Historical Santa Fe Foundation.