Call for Nominations: Graduate Student Representative on the SAH Board of Directors

by SAH News | Jun 01, 2021

The Society of Architectural Historians seeks nominations and self-nominations for the role of Graduate Student Representative on the Board of Directors. This person will also serve as the chair of the Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC), a committee of four additional members. This term runs from appointment in the summer of 2021 through the end of the annual conference in April 2023.

The Graduate Student Representative is an active advocate for all things having an impact on graduate students in the Society and they will be involved in planning and running a broad range of activities for SAH and its graduate student community. These events could include the Graduate Student Lightning Talks, online workshops, book clubs, discussions, keynote speaker conversations, panels on professional development, publishing, and other programs that focus on the graduate school experience more broadly. General SAH Board member expectations can be found in the SAH Board Participation Policy.

Time Commitment:
The Graduate Student Representative is expected to attend two board meetings in April and November. These meetings will be held either virtually or in person at the annual conference and in Chicago in November. The Graduate Student Representative will also chair GSAC monthly meetings through a virtual platform, as well as manage all GSAC-led events and initiatives.

Financial Support:
The SAH will pay membership dues and conference registration fees, as well as provide up to $1500 in reimbursable funds in a fiscal year (10/1–9/30) to cover travel-related expenses of attending the two board meetings.

We encourage nominations from graduate students across the globe. We welcome applicants from students in programs that study the built environment in many ways, including interdisciplinary programs. Applicants must be members of the Society and have graduate student status throughout the term. Nominators should ascertain their nominee’s willingness to serve before submitting a name.

SAH is committed to creating a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization and welcomes nominations and self-nominations of social minorities and people of color, including but not limited to:

  • LGBTQ members of the Society
  • Members with disabilities
  • Members who are from historically underrepresented racial, inter-racial, and ethnic groups including, but not limited to, those of African, Indigenous, Asian, and Latin descent
  • Members interested in women's history
  • Members involved in environmental and social justice issues
  • Members interested in post-colonial/colonial settler or other nations issues

Required Application Materials:

  • Two-page CV that includes your institution, departmental affiliation, and stage of study
  • Statement of no more than 500–750 words that answers the following questions:
    • Which experiences have prepared you most for taking on the role of Graduate Student Representative on the SAH Board?
    • What kinds of SAH programs are of most interest to you? What kinds of programs and initiatives do you see yourself leading?
    • How do you envision yourself contributing to leadership in SAH?

Applications must be submitted through the SAH online portal by July 15, 2021.

All candidates will be notified of their status by August 15, 2021. As this call is to fill a vacancy left by the resignation of the current Graduate Student Representative due to the completion of the Ph.D. degree, the selection of the new representative on the SAH Board will be made on the recommendation of the Executive Committee to the Board for their approval.

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