SAH Archipedia: New Essays and Higher Education Teaching Resources

by SAH News | Jan 31, 2020
Coca-Cola Bottling Plant, Los Angeles. 1939, Robert V. Derrah. Image by HABS.

Explore new content on SAH Archipedia, including Cristina Carbone’s essay on Mimetic and Programmatic Architecture in America and Zachary Violette’s research on Nineteenth-Century Working-Class Housing in Boston and New York. Both essays feature accompanying new building entries.

New higher education teaching resources have also been added, which encourage the use of SAH Archipedia as a model for developing interpretive and analytical building histories with descriptive text, appropriate citations, photographs, and accompanying metadata. These resources include background information for the instructor, a Building Entry Template and Student Instruction Manual, and a sample building entry.

SAH Archipedia is an authoritative online encyclopedia of the U.S. built environment organized by the Society of Architectural Historians and the University of Virginia Press. It contains histories, photographs, and maps for over 26,000 structures and places. These are mostly buildings, but as you explore SAH Archipedia you will also find landscapes, infrastructure, monuments, artwork, and more.