SAH Recognized for Contributions to the Digital Humanities

by Pauline Saliga | May 28, 2019
At a recent celebration of the American Council of Learned Societies’ Centennial, digital humanities thought leader Tara McPherson cited SAH as a rare learned society that, for more than 10 years, has taken a leadership role in developing robust, sustainable digital humanities projects.

Her article focuses on the multimedia JSAH Online, the shared image archive SAHARA, and the online encyclopedia of U.S. architecture, SAH Archipedia. Inspired by discussions at The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s summer 2006 Scholarly Communications Institute, these online resources benefit from three digital platform and technology providers who make SAH’s digital humanities work possible, namely University of California Press for JSAH Online, JSTOR/ARTSTOR for SAHARA and the University of Virginia Press for SAH Archipedia

To read McPherson’s article and those other scholars who have documented and analyzed the impact of the Mellon Foundation’s Scholarly Communications Institute, visit the AWMF blog

Pauline Saliga
Executive Director, SAH