SAH Archipedia: Kansas and New Mexico Entries Added

by SAH News | Oct 18, 2017
Anderson Hall
Photo: Anderson Hall, Kansas State University. Photograph by David Sachs. 

New content has been added to SAH Archipedia. With the addition of ninety entries, Kansas’s 100 Classic Buildings is now complete. From the seventeenth-century archaeological site El Cuartelejo to the LEED-certified buildings of Greensburg, these entries, written by David Sachs, illustrate this Midwestern state’s rich architectural history.

New Mexico content has also been expanded with the addition of 100 entries by state coordinator Christopher Mead and assistant coordinator Regina Emmer, along with contributors Lillian Makeda and Klinton Burgio-Ericson. The new entries feature the many complex historic sites and districts in the state, from the iconic Taos Pueblo and the Santa Fe Plaza to the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.