Membership Dues Increase as of October 1, 2017

by SAH News | Aug 11, 2017

The SAH Board has approved a small dues increase for SAH members starting October 1, 2017, coinciding with the start of SAH’s fiscal year. As SAH increases its member benefits, its operating costs continue to increase. Please know we strive to keep your membership dues as low as possible, scrutinizing any cost savings we can make, without discontinuing any member services. However, SAH’s many member offerings, including expanded conference opportunities, increased number of grants and fellowships, and growing online academic resources have real costs associated with them. This modest dues investment will keep SAH strong and retain the level of service you expect. 

Your SAH membership  gives you access to the full run of JSAH articles and reviews, the opportunity to present your work and network with colleagues from around the world at the Annual International Conference, opportunities to apply for more than $150,000 each year in fellowships, grants, and awards we offer, as well as access to the SAHARA image archive and the full version of our online encyclopedia of American architecture SAH Archipedia.

Renew online on or before September 30thAs always, your SAH membership is active one year from payment or will extend your current membership 12 months.

We appreciate your membership and highly value your investment in SAH, which helps us carry out our mission to advance the study, interpretation and conservation of architecture, design, landscapes, and urbanism worldwide for the benefit of all. If you think a colleague, talented student or friend might be interested in all that SAH has to offer, please send us their name and email and we'll reach out to them. The more members we have, the stronger SAH will be,and we can continue to keep dues as affordable as possible.