Histories Built, Carved, and Written: A Symposium in honor of Tod A. Marder

by Staff | Dec 09, 2016
This symposium is organized on the occasion of Tod A. Marder’s retirement from active teaching. A generous and insightful scholar, mentor, and colleague, Tod has been a significant influence on the fields of Baroque architecture, Bernini studies, and architectural history and criticism for over forty years. To celebrate Tod’s scholarship and to reflect on the current state and historiography of architectural history and Bernini studies, this symposium brings together colleagues, mentees, and former students who will speak on a range of topics inspired by Tod’s work and example.

Presenters at the symposium include the following SAH members:
Joseph Connors, Patricia Waddy, Ingrid Rowland, John Pinto, Nicholas Adams, Heather Hyde Minor, Christy Anderson, Vernon Hyde Minor and John Beldon Scott.
Professor Marder has been an SAH member since 1977.  SAH heartily congratulates him on his retirement. 

To learn more about the Symposium, see the planned program or register,
click  here