August 2015 Newsletter

by SAH News | Aug 17, 2015

August 2015 Volume LIX, No. 8 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter
    SAH to Present Expanded Charnley-Persky House Tours During Chicago Architecture Biennial
SAH, in partnership with the Chicago Architecture Biennial, will present an expanded tour program of its National Historic Landmark headquarters, the Charnley-Persky House, during the Biennial. Guided tours of the house will be offered every Wednesday and Saturday at 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. between October 7 and December 23. All tours are open to the public.

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    SAH Announces 2015 Mellon Author Award Recipients 
SAH has announced the recipients of the 2015 SAH/Mellon Author Awards, designed to provide financial relief to scholars who are publishing their first monograph on the history of the built environment and are responsible for paying for rights and permissions for images or for commissioning maps, charts or line drawings in their publications. The award recipients are: Zeynep Celik, Yvonne Elet, Brian D. Goldstein, Cameron Logan, and Jennifer Mack

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    $6,000 Challenge for SAH 75th Anniversary Annual Fund 
Help SAH continue its mission of education and advocacy by making a contribution to the SAH 75th Anniversary Annual Fund. A group of anonymous donors has issued a $6,000 challenge—for every gift, large or small, made to the Annual Fund before September 30, they will match the first $6,000 1:1, doubling your gift. Thank you for your past generosity and for sharing your time and expertise to help SAH fulfill its mission. Please take a moment to contribute to this campaign, which sets the stage for SAH’s future ability to effect change through knowledge.

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    2016 Sponsor, Exhibitor & Advertiser Prospectus
SAH is pleased to share the Sponsor, Exhibitor & Advertiser Prospectus for the SAH 2016 Annual International Conference in Pasadena/Los Angeles, CA (April 6–10). Reach an international audience of professionals who work with the history of the built environment, including architectural historians, art historians, architects, landscape architects, and preservationists.

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    SAH Seeks Donations for Awards Gala Auction
In 2015, SAH celebrates its 75th year as the premier organization promoting the study, interpretation, and conservation of the built environment worldwide. We hope you will participate by donating an architectural item or experience for our anniversary-year auction. Auction proceeds benefit the continued restoration of SAH's National Historic Landmark headquarters, the Charnley-Persky House. Follow the link below to learn more and to download the auction donation form.

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    SAH 2015 Conference Videos Now Available
Videos of the plenary talk and the SAH Chicago Seminar, both part of the 2015 SAH Annual International Conference, are now available on the SAH YouTube channel. Gwendolyn Wright, Columbia University, gave the plenary talk, "The Role of Play: Looking for Patterns and Crossing Boundaries," at the Art Institute of Chicago. The Chicago Seminar addressed transformations of the Chicago River and lakefront and development and change in Chicago neighborhoods. Speakers include Jeanne Gang, Robert Bruegmann, Charles Waldheim and Carol Ross Barney, among others.

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    SAH Archipedia News
SAH Archipedia has been expanded and refined with a significant addition of illustrations and a substantive enhancement to site functionality. Thanks to the contributions of a group of dedicated authors and readers, 847 photos have been added, illustrating buildings and sites in Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Massachusetts, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.

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    Byzantium on the Adriatic: From Ravenna to Porec
SAH Blog post by Patricia Blessing, 2014 Brooks Fellow
My journey begins in Italy, in the city of Ravenna where I have spent time before. Planning my itinerary for July and August, it was a convenient point of departure for a round-trip overland (except for a ferry ride) that will take me to Croatia and Bosnia and will end in Venice. This is the first stop of an Adriatic itinerary that will take me from Italy to Porec, inland to Zagreb, back to the coast in Split (Spalato), inland to Bosnia, to the coast in Dubrovnik (Ragusa), across the Adriatic to Bari, from there to Rome and finally to Venice.

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Membership Briefs
Want to spread out the cost of attending the SAH 2016 Annual International Conference in Pasadena/Los Angeles next April? Renew your membership now, and we’ll add 12 months to your existing membership, which will enable you to register for the conference at the SAH Member rate.

 As part of SAH’s “green” initiative, we will only be mailing conference program books to members with a print & electronic membership. A limited number of program books will be available on-site at the conference. All conference sessions, tours, events and activities will be available through our conference mobile guide, the most comprehensive and up-to-date source of information. You can download the guide to your mobile device or view it on the web. If you would like to upgrade your membership to print & electronic ($10), please contact us at

 If you teach, now is the perfect time to incorporate JSAH into your courses and encourage your students to join SAH. We have materials and emails you may distribute. Invite your friends and colleagues to join SAH. Just send us their names and contact information, and we will send out a personalized invitation letter. Does your library subscribe to JSAH? Even if your library subscribes to JSTOR, it may not cover the most recent issues. Send us your periodicals librarian’s contact information, and we will do the rest!
Call for Applications: 2016 Grants to Individuals
The Graham Foundation is now accepting applications for the 2016 Grants to Individuals. Since 1956, the Graham Foundation has provided direct funding to individuals to produce publications, exhibitions, films, research, and other projects that foster the development and exchange of diverse and challenging ideas about architecture and its role in the arts, culture, and society. Deadline September 15.
New Application Deadline for the Graham Foundation’s Carter Manny Award: November 15
The Graham Foundation announces a new application deadline for the Carter Manny Award, the foundation’s award for doctoral dissertation students working on topics in architecture. The annual application deadline is now November 15. Applicants will be notified of funding decisions in early spring of each year. Applications for the 2016 Carter Manny Award will be due November 15, 2015.
2015-16 ACLS Fellowships Now Open
ACLS offers fellowship programs that promote the full spectrum of humanities and humanistic social sciences research and support scholars at the advanced graduate student level through all stages of the academic career. Comprehensive information and eligibility criteria for all programs can be found at
Current SAH Opportunities
SAH Study Day at The New York Botanical Garden: This Study Day (September 25) offers participants a comprehensive, insider tour of The New York Botanical Garden, one of America’s most renowned urban green spaces, including its historic buildings and rare collections. 

SAH International Travel Grant Program: Generously funded by the Getty Foundation, these grants allow built environment professionals from underrepresented countries to attend the SAH 2016 Annual International Conference. Deadline August 31.

Edilia and François-Auguste de Montêquin Fellowship: This award provides support for travel related to research on Spanish, Portuguese, or Ibero-American architecture. Deadline September 5.

Annual Conference Fellowships: These fellowships are for speakers selected to present at the SAH 2016 Annual International Conference. (Session chairs and Graduate Student Lightning Talks presenters are not eligible.) Deadline September 7.

SAH Membership Grant for Emerging Professionals: This award provides a one-year membership in SAH to emerging scholars to bridge the gap between the Society's subsidized student memberships and the full-cost SAH memberships. Deadline September 11.

H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellowship: This $50,000 fellowship will allow a recent graduate or emerging scholar to study by travel for one year. Deadline October 1.

HABS-SAH Sally Kress Tompkins Fellowship: A joint program with the National Park Service's Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS), this fellowship permits an architectural historian to work on a 12-week HABS project during the summer. Deadline December 31.
SAH Chapter and Partner News
Call for papers for the Fifth Biennial Meeting of the Construction History Society of America at the University of Texas, Austin on May 26-30th, 2016: The vital and rapidly transforming city of Austin represents an ideal scenario to establish conversations related to knowledge exchange and technology transfer embedded in the evolution of building construction. We seek research that depicts the wide spectrum of scenarios, building solutions, industry and cultural transformations that are the result of those exchanges and transferences across the discipline of history of construction. Visit
SAH in the News
For the month of July, SAH collaborated with Lake Forest College on a dig at our headquarters building, Charnley-Persky House. Read about it below.
Students Dig for Lost Treasures in the Gold Coast (Chicago Tonight WTTW - July 29, 2015)
Urban Dig Truly Makes Trash Into Treasures for Local Students (WGN TV - July 28, 2015)
Students Dig for Architectural Treasures in Gold Coast (Chicago Tribune - July 28, 2015)
Students Digging Up Historical Artifacts at Gold Coast Site (CBS Chicago - July 28, 2015)
Lake Forest College Students "Dig" Chicago — Literally (Lake Forester - July 24, 2015)
Members in the News
Daniel J. Allen Named President of NYC Historic Districts Council
Esly Hamilton: Retires after 38 years as St. Louis Preservation Historian
SAH August Booklist
Read the August Booklist of recently published architecture books and related works. Booklists and exhibition catalog lists are selected by Barbara Opar, architecture librarian, Syracuse University Library.