January 2015 Newsletter

by SAH News | Jan 15, 2015

January 2015 Volume LIX, No. 1 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter
    Register Now for the 2015 SAH Annual Conference
Registration is now open for the 68th Annual International Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH). The architecture conference takes place in Chicago, Illinois, April 15–19, 2015, with the theme Chicago at the Global Crossroads. Over 180 speakers from around the world will present new research on built environment topics from antiquity to the critical present. Register now to make sure you get your choice of tours and events. The Early Registration deadline is February 15, 2015.

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MoMA Exhibition
  Study Day at MoMA and UN Headquarters
This two-part SAH Study Day will preview a new exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, Latin America in Construction: Architecture 1955–1980, scheduled to open officially on March 29, and will take a behind-the-scenes look at the United Nations Headquarters Capital Master Plan, a seven-year project to renovate and preserve this icon of mid-century modernism conceived, in large part, by Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer. Curator Barry Bergdoll, Assistant Secretary-General Michael Adlerstein, and SAH 2nd VP Sandy Isenstadt will host the program.

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  December 2014 Issue of JSAH Available
SAH is pleased to announce the release of the current issue of the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians: Vol. 73, No. 4, December 2014, a special issue on state, violence and memory. SAH members can access full articles by logging into the SAH website and clicking on the link on the JSAH page.

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Kelvingrove Art Museum    Announcing Additional Graduate Student Fellowships for SAH 2017 Conference in Glasgow
When the SAH Board met in November 2014 in Chicago, they were very much in favor of SAH holding its 2017 Annual International Conference in Glasgow, Scotland. It would be the first time that SAH met outside North America since 1973, when we planned a joint meeting in Cambridge with SAH-GB. ... Responding to the real concern that we do not want to disadvantage some of our most financially vulnerable members, two SAH Board members generously volunteered to donate $3,000 each to enable six North American graduate students to participate in the Glasgow conference.

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  The Medieval City and the Pilgrimage City: Gondar and Lalibela
By Brooks Fellow Amber N. Wiley
I looked at the date on Fasilides Castle—1667—and thought to myself “Wow, this is incredible! If only I had known… I would have taught my history class in a completely different way.” The date was important for two versions of a class I taught. The first version was entitled “History of Architecture: Renaissance and Baroque.” The second version was ambiguously titled “History and Theory of Architecture and Urbanism II.” 

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Membership News
The One-to-One Membership campaign is still active. Do you have someone you think would benefit from SAH membership? Send us their name and contact information, and we'll do the rest. Submit membership referrals to membership@sah.org.

All members renewed by 1/31/2015 with a Print and Electronic Membership will be on the mailing list for the March 2015 JSAH (Vol. 74:1).             

Thank you to three new Life Members, and for their commitment to SAH: Elizabeth K. Meyer, Tamara Morgenstern and Ken Tadashi Oshima.
PastForward 2015: Call for Ideas/Proposals for National Preservation Conference
Submitting ideas for PastForward 2015, Nov. 3-6, Washington, D.C., is currently open.Share your expertise, suggestions and ideas for how we can “Wow” attendees. Simply fill out the brief online form and submit topic ideas for educational sessions, propose a Washington, D.C. area Field Study, suggest an inspiring speaker, or share a “must see” preservation documentary film. Submit your PastForward 2015 idea today.
NYBG Winter Lecture Series: Le Jardin Français
Three Thursdays: 10-11:30 a.m., January 29, February 19, and March 19, 2015
Join The New York Botanical Garden as French garden designers and stewards Louis Benech, Alexandre de Vogüé, and Robert Mallet share how they are reinterpreting classic and contemporary landscapes across France and beyond with a sensibility and sense of style that is decidedly French. $32 NYBG Member, $35 Non-Member. Each lecture is approved for 1.5 LA CES, AIA, and APLD credit hours. Register at nybg.org/adulted/lectures.php.

NEH Public Scholar Grant Program
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) has announced a new grant opportunity, the Public Scholar Program, intended to support well-researched books in the humanities that have been conceived and written to reach a broad readership. Books supported through the Public Scholar Program might present a narrative history, tell the stories of important individuals, analyze significant texts, provide a synthesis of ideas, revive interest in a neglected subject, or examine the latest thinking on a topic. Most importantly, they should present significant humanities topics in a way that is accessible to general readers. Application guidelines and a list of F.A.Q.’s are available on the NEH website. The application deadline for the first cycle is March 3, 2015. 
City of Print: New York and the Periodical Press (NEH Summer Institute)
College faculty are invited to participate in a two-week Summer Institute, “City of Print: New York and the Periodical Press,” (June 14-26, 2015) sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities. The institute will offer a comprehensive view of the shifting cultural politics of the city during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as told through the disparate voices of New York’s periodical press. The application deadline is March 2, 2015.
National Humanities Alliance Memo to Members
The latest edition of the NHA's Memo to Members features news on the federal budget, the new Humanities Action Networks initiative, Humanities Advocacy Day and NHA Annual Meeting, the Humanities Working Groups for Community Impact Initiative, and more.
Association of Architecture School Librarians Conference 2015
The 2015 AASL Annual Conference in Toronto (March 17-19) is aimed at those working in architectural libraries but also provides an excellent opportunity for faculty, students and independent scholars to learn more about altmetrics, physical materials collections in architecture schools and the challenges of researching women in architecture. Short lightning rounds will cover topics like digital archiving and new ideas for engaging patrons in library collections. Learn More
Current SAH Opportunities
Study Day at MoMA and United Nations Headquarters: This two-part Study Day takes place March 27, 2015, and includes a preview of the exhibition Latin America in Construction: Architecture 1955-1980 and a tour of the recently renovated UN Headquarters. Registration is now open. Study Tour Fellowship available.

Call for Nominations to JSAH Editorial Advisory Committee: SAH invites nominations and self-nominations for two individuals to serve on the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Editorial Advisory Committee for a term of four years starting April 15, 2015. Deadline January 15.

2016 SAH Annual International Conference Call for Sessions: SAH is accepting session proposals for the its 69th Annual International Conference in Pasadena/Los Angeles, CA, April 6-10, 2016. Deadline January 16.
Chapter and Partner News
The University of Arkansas Fay Jones School of Architecture hosted the annual Southeast Chapter SAH (SESAH) conference and plenary with Gwendolyn Wright. Conference highlights included the presentation of the 2014 publication awards: Catherine W. Bishir for Crafting Lives, Daniel Bluestone for Buildings, Landscapes, and Memory, and Cary Carson for “Banqueting Houses and the ‘Need of Society’ among Slave-Owning Planters in the Chesapeake Colonies,” William and Mary Quarterly; and the 2014 preservation award: The Charnley-Norwood House.
Members in the News
Jeff Groff: The Gilded Age's "Dollar Princesses" Inspiration for Downton Abbey
Victoria M. Young: Book Reviewed in ArchNewsNow
SAH January Booklist
Read the January Booklist of recently published architecture books and related works. Booklists and exhibition catalog lists are selected by Barbara Opar, architecture librarian, Syracuse University Library.