Updated Description for the SAH Roundtable: Being a Scholar in the Digital Age

by User Not Found | Mar 17, 2014

The following is an updated description of the SAH Roundtable that takes place during the 2014 Annual Conference in Austin, Texas.

SAH Roundtable: Being a Scholar in the Digital Age
Thursday, April 10, 2014, 11:15-12:15 pm
Room: Texas Ballroom 1, 2nd floor
Cost: Included in conference registration or Day Rate fee
Registration is required due to limited seating.

The digital age is transforming every aspect of the scholarly endeavor—opening new possibilities for research methods, for collaborative authorship, for the dissemination of knowledge, and the very nature of how expertise is recognized and rewarded. The implications of these changes are impossible to predict. Will the scholarly monograph disappear? What will universities look like in 20 years? How will tenure standards change in the meantime? Given that SAH has been a leader in forging a digital path with three online publishing projects (JSAH Online, SAHARA and SAH Archipedia), it is time to engage these larger questions.

Please join Abby Smith Rumsey, Chair of the SAH Digital Humanities Taskforce, and the panelists listed below, as we open a wide-ranging discussion of the shifting landscape of scholarship.

Topics of discussion include the following:

Creating New Knowledge
New research methods, new forms of work in a world that favors the social production of knowledge; changing nature of authorship (including collaboration); assessment, credit, and reward of digital scholarship

Teaching & Learning
Pedagogy: what students should learn and how; how current faculty can prepare to teach undergraduates and graduates  

Extending Our Reach
How do experts reach out to and share knowledge with non-expert audiences who are Web-based, mobile device-enabled

  • Tanya Clement, Assistant Professor, School of Information, University of Texas at Austin
  • Gabrielle Esperdy, Associate Professor of Architecture at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and Editor of SAH Archipedia
  • John Harwood, Associate Professor of Modern and Contemporary Architectural History, Oberlin College, and a member of the Aggregate Architectural History Collaborative 
  • Mark Saunders, Director, University of Virginia Press
  • Lawrence W. Speck, FAIA, W. L. Moody Centennial Professor in Architecture, University of Texas at Austin
  • Stephanie Whitlock, Program Officer, Graham Foundation

Moderator:  Abby Smith-Rumsey, Director of the Scholarly Communications Institute, University of Virginia

Register for the 2014 Annual Conference today to take part in the SAH Roundtable and other conference programming.