Texas Building Entries Added to SAH Archipedia

by User Not Found | Feb 28, 2014

In preparation for the SAH Annual Conference in Austin, TX, we’re happy to announce that new entries for 1,322 sites in Texas have been  added to SAH Archipedia. These building entries represent about half the state of Texas, and include 203 photos for 192 sites. SAH Archipedia Classic Buildings will display 50 of these building entries, with photos. Look for more photos by Gerald Moorhead, author of the current Buildings of the United States volume on Texas, to be added in the weeks to come.

The new material comprises the full text of the recently published Buildings of Texas: Central, South, and Gulf Coast by Moorhead and a team of coauthors—James W. Steely, W. Dwayne Jones, Anna Mod, John C. Ferguson, Cheryl Caldwell Ferguson, Mario L. Sánchez, and Stephen Fox—enlivened with photographs by Moorhead, an award-winning Houston architect, former contributing editor to Architectural Record and Texas Architect, and lecturer on preservation at Rice University. The first of two Buildings of the United States books devoted to the Lone Star State, this volume includes four major cities (Austin, Corpus Christi, Houston, and San Antonio), surveys a range of building types and styles from Spanish missions to modern skyscrapers, canvasses everything from the Alamo and the Johnson Space Center to the Menil Collection/Rothko Chapel and the O. Henry House, and highlights such topics as Texas dance halls, faux bois (false wood) art, cattle and ranching, and barbecue. The book won the 2013 Texas Media Award from Preservation Texas for its comprehensive and expert scholarship on Texas' architectural heritage.