January Newsletter 2014

by User Not Found | Jan 16, 2014

January 2014 Volume LVIII, No. 1 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter

  Annual Conference Early Registration Opens January 16
Early registration for the 2014 Annual Conference will open at 12 p.m. CST on Thursday, January 16, 2014. Reduced early registration rates will last until February 15, and rates will increase on February 16, 2014. Read More.

SAH Announces Architecture Tours for Annual Conference in Austin

SAH has announced the slate of tours for its 2014 Annual Conference that takes place April 9-13, in Austin, Texas. The tours are an important part of the conference, which brings art and architectural historians, city planners, preservationists, architects and others from around the world together to share the latest research on the built environment. The tours give conference attendees and the interested public the opportunity to learn about the city’s architectural heritage from local experts and, as part of the conference’s public programming, help SAH meet its objective of engaging with the host city while addressing pertinent issues. Read More.
  Buildings of Vermont Now Available
Vermont’s rich architectural history is explored in Buildings of Vermont by Glenn M. Andres and Curtis B. Johnson, the newest volume in the Buildings of the United States series from the Society of Architectural Historians. Published by the University of Virginia Press, the book traces Vermont’s building styles and types begun with traditions from colonial and early federal New England and New York and enriched by the contributions of immigrants from Scotland, English and French Canada, Ireland, Italy, Scandanavia and Eastern Europe. Read More.

  Updated and Expanded Study Tour Descriptions 
The Miami Study Day and Croatia Study Tour descriptions have been expanded to give you a better idea of what's in store and why you won't want to miss these special programs. Space is still available for both study programs so register today!

Miami Study Day (February 7): The Miami Study Day offers a rare opportunity for SAH members to tour two extraordinary buildings designed by Herzog & de Meuron and to meet the clients who commissioned both projects. Enjoy a day in sunny Miami while exploring Pérez Art Museum Miami and 11 11 Lincoln Road in their urban contexts. Read More.

Croatia Study Tour (August 18-29): SAH 2nd Vice President Ken Tadashi Oshima and Tour Leader Boris Srdar explain why this tour is so unique and what participants can expect. Read More.


  Nonprofit Leadership, the Gender Gap, and Architect Barbie: A Conversation with Wanda Bubriski
SAH Blog post by Victoria Solan
In the fall of 2012, SAH formed its first Professional Development Committee and charged the group with the task of exploring how SAH might support the diverse professional needs and ambitions of its members. The following exchange between committee members Victoria Solan, an independent historian, and Wanda Bubriski, founding executive director of the Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation, is intended to start a conversation about how different career paths can unfold within the realm of architectural history. This blog post is also intended to draw attention to the varied professional roles available to our members, and to explore how one’s workplace expectations can change over time. Read More.

  Recent News on the Conversion into Mosques of Byzantine Churches in Turkey
SAH Blog post by Veronica Kalas
I have been asked to write a report for the International Center of Medieval Art newsletter concerning recent events in Turkey whereby Byzantine churches that long have held the status of state museums and cultural heritage sites are being converted into mosques. It is crucial to raise awareness about this very critical issue. The examples include the church of the Hagia Sophia in Iznik (Nicea), the church of the Hagia Sophia in Trabzon (Trebizond), and the plans for the church and associated monastic complex of St. John Stoudios in Istanbul (Constantinople). Although these events have been ongoing for quite some time, the world started watching more closely in recent months when certain representatives of the Turkish government publicly called for the conversion of THE Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. Read More.

  Socialist Mass Housing in Bucharest, 1950-1970
By SAHARA Travel Fellow Juliana Maxim
After 1947, Romania’s Soviet-imposed and Soviet-backed communist government embarked on a thorough transformation of the country’s economy and, through it, of social relations. After industry and agriculture were speedily and implacably brought under state control, the construction of housing progressively became a third crucial target of centralized planning and massive investment. Read More.
SAH Announces Winners of the SAH/Mellon Author Award Francesca Russello Ammon and Lucy M. Maulsby have been named the recipients of the inaugural SAH/Mellon Author Award by the Society of Architectural Historians. The award will provide financial assistance for the costs of image licensing and reproduction for their current book projects. Read More.
Hawaii Building Entries Added to SAH Archipedia Recently 477 building entries from Hawaii were added to SAH Archipedia, and 100 of those were added to SAH Archipedia Classic Buildings. The new material includes the full text from Buildings of Hawaii by Don J. Hibbard, a former historic preservation officer for Hawaii and currently a heritage specialist. There are also 441 photos by Augie Salbosa, a professional architectural photographer. Hibbard’s volume, published by the University of Virginia Press as part of the award-winning Buildings of the United States series, presents the architecture of the six major islands in the Hawaiian chain. Read More.
Letter Urging Secretary John Kerry to Restore Funding for Title VIII 
On behalf of SAH, Executive Director Pauline Saliga signed this letter urging Secretary John Kerry to restore funding for the Title VIII program, which has supported language training and research on Eastern Europe and Eurasia for 30 years. Administered with funds appropriated by Congress, Title VIII makes grants to organizations that in turn organize competitions for individual fellowships and grants and to institutions that run summer language or research programs. The Title VIII program did not receive an appropriation for the federal fiscal year 2013, which means a significant reduction in the number of fellowships and grants available for language training and advances research in 2013-14. Read More.
Chapter & Partner News 
The Northern California Chapter offers an Architectural History Film Festival, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Saturday, January 18, 2014, at San Francisco's historic Vogue Theatre. Featured are Make No Little Plans: Daniel Burnham and the American City and Louis Sullivan: the Struggle for American Architecture. The 12-minute film, Trip Down Market Street, shot from the front end of a cable car days before the great San Francisco earthquake, opens the program. Cost: $15 for NCCSAH members, $20 for non-members.

The Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) will hold its 42nd Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. Bringing together art information professionals from around the globe, the conference will focus on issues surrounding "Art+Politics" and take place May 1-5, 2014.

The Society for Industrial Archaeology (SIA) 2014 Annual Conference will head to northern New England and Portland on May 15-18 for a look at the region’s industrial heritage with a strong emphasis on maritime subjects. SIA will offer both an early bird Thursday and a Friday tour to the Bath Iron Works and the Maine Maritime Museum. SIA invites proposals for presentations and poster displays at the conference. Presentations on all topics related to industrial archaeology, technology, social change related to industry and historic industrial structures are welcome. Papers about regional industries and transportation in northern New England are particularly encouraged. Deadline January 31. Read More.
Internships at Dumbarton Oaks (Washington, D.C.) 
Vernacular Architecture Forum Ambassadors Awards Deadline January 15
Philadelphia Chapter SAH Pizza & Pictures Party January 22
The Driehaus Museum Winter book Club: The Jewel of the Gold Coast: Mrs. Potter Palmer's Chicago January 28
CFP: 58th Annual Meeting RCSC Deadline January 30
War Graves/War Cemeteries/Memorial Shrines (Berlin) February 19-20
CFP: International Journal of Islamic Architecture Deadline March 1
CFP: Conference on Illinois History Deadline March 11
Consumer's Metropolis: The Loop in the Age of Daniel Burnham March 20
Smithsonian-Mason Field School June 30-July 11
Current SAH Opportunities 
Call for Session Proposals: SAH 68th Annual Conference in Chicago: The Society invites members and future members to chair a session at the 2015 SAH Annual Conference in Chicago, April 15-19. Deadline January 15.

Study Tour Fellowship - Miami Study Day: Funded by the Scott Opler Endowment for New Scholars, this fellowship is offered to allow a graduate student or emerging scholar to participate in the Miami Study Day on February 7, 2014. Deadline January 15.

Study Tour Fellowship - Croatia Study TourFunded by the Scott Opler Endowment for New Scholars, this fellowship is offered to allow a graduate student or emerging scholar to participate in the Croatia Study Tour, August 18-29, 2014. Deadline February 22.
Members in the News
SAH Member Co-winner of 2013 M. F. Köprülü Prize from the Turkish Studies Association
World Architecture News' Best Architecture Books of 2013 - featuring SAH Members
Zoë Ryan Curates 2nd Istanbul Design Biennial
"History Ascendant" with Marta Gutman, Sean Weiss and Cesare Birignani
Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation Appoints New Executive Director
Louis Kahn's Modernism with William Whitaker

SAH January Booklist
Read the January Booklist of recently published architecture books and related works. The booklist and exhibition catalog list are selected by Barbara Opar, Architecture Librarian, Syracuse University Library.