November Newsletter 2013

by User Not Found | Nov 13, 2013

November 2013 Volume LVII, No. 11 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter
  Speaker and Sessions Chair Child-Care Grant Deadline Extended
The deadline for the Speaker and Session Chair Child-Care Grant has been extended to November 30, 2013. Applications are now being accepted. Speaker and Session Chair Child-Care Grants offer up to $200 per family to assist SAH session chairs, speakers, and Graduate Student Lightning Talk participants who are bringing children to the 2014 SAH Annual Conference in Austin, Texas (April 9-13).

2014 Annual Conference Program Mails Next Month
The 2014 Annual Conference program will be mailed to all SAH members in December. Please make sure your mailing address is current to receive your copy of the printed program. Log onto the SAH website to update your address and profile today. Need help logging on? See Log In Instructions and Tips.
  Planning for the 2017 Annual Conference in Glasgow 
SAH is seeking your input on dates for the 2017 SAH Annual Conference, which is planned for Glasgow, Scotland. We need your feedback about which set of dates may be more convenient for you. Since this conference would be held in the month of June, rather than April, your input is especially important. Read More.
    SAH Members Receive 50% Discount on JPASS
In collaboration with JSTOR, SAH is pleased to offer its members a special, discounted fee for JPASS, a new JSTOR access plan for individuals. Designed for those without institutional access to the JSTOR archival collections, JPASS is ideal for SAH members working outside of the academy. It is also valuable for faculty members at institutions with limited access to JSTOR, and for adjuncts with sporadic access to library resources. Regardless of your institutional affiliation, JPASS serves as your personal library card to the rich selection of journals on JSTOR. Read More.

  Miami and Miami Beach Study Day
Miami is the quintessential world city. Young, dynamic, and diverse, the city finds its longstanding role as a commercial center and port of entry reflected in its emerging status as a center for art and design in the western hemisphere. Held on February 7, 2014, this Study Day offers a chance to visit two recent examples of the city’s architectural patrimony, the newly-opened Perez Art Museum Miami (PAMM) and 1111 Lincoln Road. Pritzker Prize laureates Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron designed both buildings, whose patrons – Robert Wennet and Terry Riley – will welcome Study Day participants. Among the exhibitions on display at PAMM will be a site-specific installation by Ai Weiwei. Read More.
  Croatia at the Crossroads of Time and Space Study Tour
The 2014 Croatia Study Tour, held August 18-29, explores the transformation of Croatia's rich built environment in harmony with the beauty of the natural environment along the Adriatic Sea Coast from Dubrovnik to Venice with visits to many of the UNESCO World Heritage sites. Boris Srdar, principal architect the Seattle-based firm NAC|Architecture, will serve as tour leader and lecturer. An optional Study Day at the Venice Biennale will be offered on August 30. Read More.

  Follow SAH on Instagram
Are you on Instagram? Then follow us at sah1365. We'll be sharing photos and videos of our events, tours, Annual Conferences and more. Be sure to also follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@SAH1365) to keep up with the latest news and opportunities from SAH.

  New Chapter of SAH at SCAD
The James Oglethorpe Chapter at the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) is the newest student chapter of SAH. Olivier Maene is the president of the chapter, which strives to promote the interdisciplinary field of architectural history, while advocating a greater understanding of the built environment. Read More.
  Call for Nominations to the JSAH Editorial Advisory Committee
The Society of Architectural Historians invites nominations and self-nominations for eight individuals to serve on the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Editorial Advisory Committee for staggered terms of one to four years. JSAH features leading scholarship in the English language in all aspects of the history of the built environment. Ideal candidates have published substantially in the field and may come from any of the Society’s constituencies in academia, preservation, museum work or independent scholarship; institutional affiliation is not required. The Society seeks to form a committee that will collectively provide expertise across the discipline’s chronological and geographic subfields. Read More.
  SAH Study Day Columbus Report
By Joss Kiely, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Michigan
The SAH Study Day to Columbus, Indiana, led by Henry Kuehn, aimed to showcase a large cross section of modern and postmodern projects, all clustered in a small town an hour south of Indianapolis. Amid farm fields and silos, Columbus, a small town of 44,000 people, is home to as many important modern and contemporary architectural projects as a city one hundred times its size. The daylong tour was intensive and enlightening, and included a range of projects from the late 19th century to additions currently under construction. Read More.
  Isolated Monsters: Neoclassical Architecture in Buenos Aires, Argentina
By SAHARA Travel Fellow Caroline "Olivia" Wolf
The urban location of the colonial façades and Andalusian patios featured throughout this collection may surprise its viewers. After all, Buenos Aires is renowned for the international nature of its modern architecture, which drew heavily upon French, Italian and British influences. Yet amidst the Neoclassical, Beaux-Arts, Art Nouveau, and Art Deco monuments that dominate Argentina’s capital city, one encounters another twentieth-century movement — the Neocolonial style, also known as the Colonial Renaissance. Read More.
Oppose Devastating Cuts to the NEH
In its FY 2014 budget resolution, the House of Representatives Budget Committee called for the complete elimination of funding for the National Endowment for the Humanities, writing that the programs funded by NEH “…go beyond the core mission of the federal government, and they are generally enjoyed by people of higher-income levels, making them a wealth transfer from poorer to wealthier citizens.” The House subcommittee that oversees the NEH’s appropriation has followed through on the spirit of this resolution by approving a 49 percent cut to the agency’s budget. Oppose the cuts and help restore NEH's critical support for the humanities by sending a message today.
Chapter & Partner News 
This year, the Northern California Chapter of SAH (NCCSAH) offered its members two well-attended programs. Springtime featured a tour of two of San Francisco's prime historic residential parks, while a fall program took members to Mare Island Naval Station, a National Register site and the oldest naval base on the Pacific Coast. Winter will find NCCSAH snuggled in one of San Francisco's historic movie theaters for an architecture-themed film festival.

Join the SAH Southern California Chapter (SAH/SCC) on November 16, as they explore 40 years of master planning by renowned Case Study House architect Edward A. Killingsworth at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB). Sponsored by the History Graduate Student Association (HGSA) and Crosby Doe Associates, the program will begin with an informative panel discussion, followed by a book signing and self-guided walking tour of the campus. The panel will feature former colleagues of and experts on Killingsworth's architecture and planning activities. Read More.

The Italian Art Society (IAS) invites proposals to organize and chair a sponsored session at the 68th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians to be held in Chicago, April 15-19, 2015. The IAS is actively seeking proposals to be submitted by December 1, 2013. The IAS is guaranteed one session — propose yours today! For more information, please contact Nicola Camerlenghi, vice president for program coordination, or visit the IAS at SAH page of the IAS website.
Current SAH Opportunities 
SAH Award for Film and Video: The SAH Award for Film and Video was established in 2013 to recognize annually the most distinguished international work of film or video on the history of the built environment. Deadline December 1.

HABS-SAH Sally Kress Tompkins Fellowship: A joint program of the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) and the National Park Service's Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS), this fellowship permits an architectural historian to work on a 12-week HABS project during the summer of 2014. Deadline December 31.

Charles E. Peterson Fellowship: A joint program with the Athenaeum of Philadelphia, this fellowship supports the participation of a graduate student in the research and writing for a volume in the Buildings of the United States (BUS) series and/or SAH Archipedia, the Society’s online architectural resource. Deadline January 2.

Call for Session Proposals: SAH 68th Annual Conference in Chicago: The Society invites members and future members to chair a session at the 2015 SAH Annual Conference in Chicago, April 15-19. Deadline January 15.
Members in the News
100-year-old John Forbes Still Working Out at Local Gym
Amber N. Wiley: Integrating Architecture into Digital and Public Humanities: Sites and Sounds + MediaNOLA

SAH November Booklist
Read the November Booklist of recently published architecture books and related works. The booklist and exhibition catalog list are selected by Barbara Opar, Architecture Librarian, Syracuse University Library.