May Newsletter 2013

by User Not Found | Jun 18, 2013
May 2013 Volume LVII, No. 5 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter
66th Annual Conference Recap
From April 10 through 14, more than 600 SAH members participated in the Society’s 66th Annual Conference in Buffalo, NY. Click here to read the annual conference recap.

You can also view: conference photos on the SAH Facebook page, 2013 Publication Award recipients, 2013 SAH Fellow citations, video clip of Paul Golberger's Plenary Address, and a list of 2013 SAH Fellowship recipients.

Business Meeting Report
A business meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians was held at the Hyatt Regency Buffalo on Wednesday, April 10 2013. 

The following Officers were elected to serve a one-year term until April 2014: President, Abigail A. Van Slyck, Connecticut College;  First Vice President, Ken Breisch, University of Southern California; Second Vice President, Ken Tadashi Oshima, University of Washington, Seattle; Secretary, Gail Fenske Roger Williams University; Treasurer, Jan Grayson Chicago, Illinois.  

Directors to serve a three-year term until April 2016: Dale Allen Gyure, Lawrence Technological University; Richard L. Hayes, American Institute of Architects; Martha McNamara, Wellesley College; Abby Smith Rumsey, Scholarly Communications Institute; Michaelangelo Sabatino, University of Houston. Read More.
Treasurer's Report:
SAH finished its 2012 fiscal year ending September 30, 2012 with a modest surplus of $18,000 that was on budget. Thus continues a record of eleven of the past twelve years that the society has produced an operating surplus. SAH had good success in reaching revenue targets. The major drivers of the revenue are membership, library subscriptions to JSAH, grants, study tours, the annual meeting and the Buildings of the United States (BUS)/SAH Archipedia grants and fund raising efforts such as the annual SAH Awards Gala. 
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SAH Chapters Report
Victoria Young, SAH Chapters Liaison, reports on the meeting with chapter representatives at the annual conference in Buffalo: I had the pleasure of meeting with several representatives of our chapters at the annual conference in Buffalo. I'm always impressed by the great events that are going on across the nation because of the hard work of our chapters. There are symposia, lectures, tours, support for students to attend the national meeting, PechaKucha, and more creating a buzz about our organization and the history of the built environment. Great work by all! Read More.

Call for Nominations for SAH Board and SAH Fellows 
The 2014 SAH Nominating Committee seeks your recommendations for new SAH Board members who would begin their terms in April 2014 and serve for three years. Self-nominations are welcome as are nominations of emerging scholars and independent and non-affiliated historians of architecture, landscapes, planning and related disciplines. Please email nominations to
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The Board of Directors of SAH seeks nominations for the 2014 class of SAH Fellows, those individuals who have distinguished themselves by a lifetime of significant contributions to the field. Nominations may be made by any individual member of SAH in a letter or email addressed to SAH Director Pauline Saliga and SAH President Abigail Van Slyck which details a candidate’s scholarship, stewardship of the built environment, and/or service in support of SAH’s mission. Please email nominations to by July 1, 2013. 
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SAH Call for Papers for 67th Conference in Austin, TX
The Society of Architectural Historians is now accepting abstracts for its 67th Annual Conference in Austin, TX, April 9-13, 2014. Please submit abstracts no later than June 1st for one of the 30 thematic sessions or for the open sessions. SAH encourages submissions from architectural, landscape, and urban historians; museum curators; preservationists; independent scholars; architects; members of partner organizations; and graduate students. Read More.
Call for Proposals: SAH Open Forum session at CAA in 2014
As an affiliated society with the College Art Association (CAA), the Society of Architectural Historians is able to sponsor a session at CAA annual meetings. The CAA will be accepting 1.5 hour open forum session proposals for the 2014 meeting in Chicago, to be held February 12-15, 2014. This forum can transcend the traditional panel format to address contemporary issues that bridge art and architectural history and practice. We ask SAH members who may be interested in organizing the SAH-sponsored forum at CAA to submit a preliminary proposal to Ken Tadashi Oshima at by June 1, 2013. Read More.

SAHARA Travel Fellowship Report 
by Wei Zhao, Ph.D. candidate at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: My trip to China in the summer of 2012 was to visit vernacular settlements that were located along important trade routes and influenced by business activities. I mainly focused on vernacular settlements along two major trade routes, the Xianxia Historic Route and the Tea Horse Road. Read More.
Study Tour Fellow Report
by Sarah Rovang, Ph.D. candidate at Brown University: Our day began at the Skyscraper Museum, with about two dozen historians, architects, and passionate amateurs clustered in the museum’s bookstore. Though my primary dissertation research does not directly concern tall buildings, I am teaching a one-week intensive high school course this summer at Brown on the history of skyscrapers. Read More.
SAH Job Opportunities
SAH seeks a full-time SAH Archipedia Project Editor for a two-year appointment to manage the online encyclopedia of American architecture developed by SAH and the University of Virginia Press. The Project Editor will work with authors and teams of authors in more than 35 states who will upload text and photographs to a shared online content management system (CMS). The Project Editor will issue letters of agreement to authors; train authors to use the CMS; manage schedules, editorial workflow, peer review, and geospatial and semantic tagging; authorize payments; and work with the SAH Archipedia Editorial Committee to develop and refine best practices and policies.

SAH seeks a Media and Communications Editor to manage SAH’s non-scholarly print and online communications. The Editor will collaborate with SAH staff and leadership to develop communication strategies for promoting SAH’s major initiatives including its annual conference, study tours, publications, awards programs and public outreach. The Editor will strategize on media, marketing, communications, and branding. 

Click here to view full job descriptions. You will be required to log in or create a free website account.
SAH / Mellon Author Award Deadline: June 1
The SAH/Mellon Author Award is currently accepting applications. This grant will award emerging scholars (those with PhDs earned during the past six years) funds to help defray the high costs of image licensing and reproduction for monographs on the history of the built environment. Deadline June 1, 2013. 
Symposium: Michigan Modern
Michigan Modern: Design that Shaped America is a symposium hosted at Cranbrook Education Community, Blomfield Hills, from June 13-16. This event will explore how Michigan designers and architects met the challenge of a new century with innovative design and new methods and materials. Read More.
Members in the News
Beatriz Colomina: Playboy Architecture Video & Exhibition
Greg Hise co-curates exhibition at the Huntington Library
An interview with Phyllis Lambert on finding Mies
Pauline Saliga noted in The Chronicle of Higher Education
Time Magazine covers Woolworth Building at 100 Exhibition
Obituary: Henry Hope Reed
Obituary: Orlando Ridout

SAH May Booklist
Read the May Booklist of recently published architecture books and related works. The booklist and exhibition catalog list are selected by Barbara Opar, Architecture Librarian, Syracuse University Library.