SAH/Mellon Author Awards Accepting Applications

by User Not Found | Feb 05, 2013
Apply for the SAH/Mellon Author Award for help with the cost of image rights, permissions, and reproductions for monographs on the history of the built environment.

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) a one-year grant of $51,330 to administer the SAH/Mellon Author Awards. The award is a temporary measure to provide financial relief to early-career scholars who are publishing monographs on architectural history and the history of the built environment, and who are responsible for paying for rights and permissions for images in their publications. Through this grant SAH will provide awards to emerging scholars (those with PhDs earned during the past six years) to help defray the high costs of image licensing and reproduction for monographs on the history of the built environment. Awards will be made once in 2013 for print (hardcover, soft cover) and digital publications (ebook, DVD). Awardees will be selected on the basis of the quality and demonstrated financial need for their project. SAH anticipates awarding approximately ten SAH/Mellon Author Awards in 2013. 

The deadline for submission is June 1, 2013. For more information, please review the Award Overview Application Guidelines  and the Application Process, Schedule, and Checklist.