SAH Communities Site

by User Not Found | Jun 29, 2012
SAH has launched a new online discussion forum called SAH Communities. The site was developed in response to feedback from SAH members who wanted to be able to communicate in a professional forum all year long, not just during annual meetings and study tours.
Go to to join and participate. To log in for the first time, type your email address and any password of your choice. The best part is you will receive a daily digest of new postings to the site, including announcements about fellowships, conferences, calls for papers, and discussions on a wide variety of architectural history topics. 

We are please to annouce that many distinguished scholars are partcipating in the SAH Communities site as bloggers and group moderators. They include:

Landscape History, moderated by Susan Herrington, Professor of Architecture and Landscape Architecture at the University of British Columbia

Urban Palimpsest, moderated by Areli Marina, assistant professor in The School of Architecture at UIU

Preservation, moderated by David Fixler, EYP Architecture & Engineering

Pedagogy, moderated by Paula Lupkin, American Studies Faculty at Washington University in St. Louis

Graduate Students, moderated by Emily Morash, a Doctoral student in architectural history at Brown University

Pre-Modern Architecture, moderated by Christie Anderson, University of Toronto

SAH Blog, written and moderated by Jonathan Massey, Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Chair at Syracuse University School of Architecture

And a variety of invited guest moderators moderating Digital Humanities.  

Don’t  miss this opportunity for focused discussion and sharing.  Announce your events, share your research, participate in scholarly debate, start a new subgroup.  Possibilities are unlimited.