Call for Proposals: SAH session at CAA

by User Not Found | Jun 29, 2012
As an affiliated society with the College Art Association (CAA), the Society of Architectural Historians is able to sponsor a session at CAA annual meetings.
The goal is two-fold: to provide a session that will be of particular interest to scholars who belong to both groups and to let other CAA members know about the rich approaches to architectural history they will experience if they join SAH. 

Over the next few months, the CAA will be accepting session proposals for the 2011 meeting in New York City, to be held February 9-12, 2011. The proposal for the SAH-sponsored session follows the same process as other proposals, except that it must be accompanied by an official letter of support from SAH. The purpose of this message is to ask SAH members who may be interested in chairing the SAH-sponsored session at CAA to submit a preliminary proposal to me by July 15.  Please include a description of the session theme (no more than a page in length) and your cv.

If you have questions about the process, please feel free contact me via email at

Abigail A. Van Slyck
2nd Vice President
Society of Architectural Historians